Jennie + Meredyth present...

Tackle Your Fears

This simple, yet powerful process to help you think through — instead of always feeling through — your fears, so you can get clear on your very next step. You’ll have these seven steps memorized after going through this process just once or twice.

This exercise will change your life immediately...and forever.

↓ scroll down for more deets ↓

New to our world?

Well, allow us to introduce ourselves...

Jennie Mustafa-Julock

It's possible that you may not know me yet, so just in case . . . I'm Jennie Mustafa-Julock, but a lot of people call me Coach Jennie. I'm the creator of the Tackle Your Fears coaching exercise we're teaching here.

My fancy-pants Masters degree in Org Dev from American Univ. taught me how to develop new coaching tools and techniques that I’ve co-created, tested, and validated with thousands of clients over my 17+ years as a coach.

But what people really know me for is being the coach that will get underneath their excuses and BS to find the potential they’re sitting on, then show them exactly how to take it for a spin, so they can truly make the impact they’re meant to in their time on this planet.

Meredyth Mustafa-Julock

Yep, just in case the duplicate last names didn't tip you off, I'm Jennie's wife and partner in all things.

I joined Jennie's business as her full-time CEO in 2021 after spending the prior 20 years in the field of education - twelve of those years as a special educator and the final eight as an Assistant Principal in elementary charter schools. While I loved working with my students, of course, my favorite part of my job was coaching teachers to be the best teachers they could be.

Working closely with Jennie's clients over the last 2+ years, we've co-created a growing suite of programs and services to support anyone who wants to do more of what truly matters.

We've heard the usual coachy nonsense...

"Feel the fear and do it anyway."

"Fake it ’til you make it."

"Change your thoughts. Change your life."

Well, kum-bah-freaking-yah. 🙄

Look. I’m sure the originators of these pithy little phrases and book titles meant well and all, but let’s be honest:


Let's cut through the noise and get real for a moment.

Fear isn't something to be ashamed of or ignore. It's your body's way of telling you that you're onto something big. It likely means you're pushing boundaries, taking risks, and refusing to settle. It's a sign that something matters to you!

So forget the fluffy advice. It's time for a reality check—a gentle nudge in the right direction. That's where my Tackle Your Fears process comes in.

No more running (or hiding) from your fears. Instead, we'll dissect them, analyze them, and turn them into actionable steps toward your goals...all in a five minutes flat. 🚀

Let's do this—because your dreams aren't going to chase themselves. 😉

Got Qs?

Totally fair. We've got As!

When is the Tackle Your Fears live workshop?

This live training happened on Thursday, March 14th, 2024 at 1pm Eastern. The replay will be spliced up into an easy to digest course by Friday.

I have another question?

We can't anticipate 'em all! Shoot us a message at and we'll get back to you as soon as humanly possible.